Desain Website

Fully Responsif
Desain Instant & Custom
CMS yang mudah digunakan
Layout untuk memastikan konversi

Info Lanjut

Booking Engine

Mengarahkan bookingan langsung
Integrasi seamless
Fully Responsif
User Friendly

Info Lanjut

Channel Manager

Mengurangi administrasi
Instant rate parity
Maksimalkan revenue
Meningkatkan distribusi

Info Lanjut

Property Management System

Efisiensi dalam operasional
Integrasi seamless ke reservasi
Merekam preferensi tamu
Akurasi dalam penugasan housekeeper

Info Lanjut

Rate Manager

Analisa kompetitor yang cepat
Membuat keputusan
Optimimasi harga
Meningkatkan revenue

Info Lanjut

OTA & Revenue

Tailor-made service
Masukan dari expert
Mengarahkan direct bisnis ke hotel
Meningkatkan revenue

Info Lanjut

Digital Marketing

Google ranking lebih ltinggi
Meningkatkan fans di Social Media
Meningkan loyalitas brand
Target global market

Info Lanjut

Brand Identity

Memperbaharui image
Mendapatkan perhatian
Mencitptakan koneksi
Menghasilkan Referrals

Info Lanjut

Klient Kami

Partner lebih dari 300 hotel se-Asia


"Sy pribadi dan tim saya senang bekerja sama dengan Web Connection. Mereka sangat fleksibel dengan perubahan dan penyesuaian apa pun..."

Daniel J Meury
Andara Resort & Villas

"It has been a pleasure working with Web Connection. Their excellent customer support is always easy to reach and they respond to all inquiries promptly and professionally..."

Khacha Hunthong

"I have been working with the Web Connection team for the past three years, and I am extremely satisfied with their services. The team is reliable, responsive, and highly professional..."

Thanapit Teeraaksonsit
The Tubkaak Krabi Boutique Resort

"We are very satisfied to work with Web Connection because of their professional team and friendly cooperation. We think that website service is suitable for our hotel..."

Umaporn Wijitsarat
The Nap Patong

"Thanks for your great support over the last 10 years, Bless Hotel & Residence! The hotel website, channel manager, and booking engine are all working really well. Your team's expertise and dedication have always impressed us..."

Mr. Pracha Khantarod
The Bless Hotel & Residence

"Having worked with Web Connection since their introduction into this highly competitive world of tech, the beauty of their services is the Web Connection team and their ability to listen to what we hoping to achieve offering us sensible..."

Mr. Matthew C Hindmarch
Aksara Collection

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